Nairobi man says wife used to hide in bathroom, wrap TV remote with CD to satisfy herself

Nairobi man says wife used to hide in bathroom, wrap TV
remote with CD to satisfy herself

During the first year of their marriage, everything was rosy.
Bonge works as a teller in one of the banks in Nairobi. Every
working day, he always looked forward to finishing his tasks
so that he could go back home to his wife.
Omwando works as HIV/AIDS counsellor with a health NGO in
Kitengela, Kajiado county.
Things, however, started changing in August 2018 when
Bonge and Omwando mutually agreed to ‘look’ for the first
Every night and sometimes during the day, the duo could be
locked in tight romantic embraces but up to December 2018,
Bonge had not managed to ‘score any goal’. In other words,
he had not succeeded in making his wife pregnant.
In January 2019, though the duo continued in their pursuit of
looking for their first bundle of joy, nothing came around.
Bonge started getting tired quickly and could no longer
perform like a bull in the sheets the way he used to do a year
“She (Omwando) started to detest the idea of us getting
intimate every evening. Even during the few times, she
could allow me to have the ‘goodies’, she never seemed to
She could leave me on the bed and go spend about 30
minutes in the bathroom and then join me later in bed.
Most of the time, she could find me asleep,” Bonge said.
In May 2019, Bonge decided to dig for the truth. He started
investigating why his wife could leave him in bed and head to
the bathroom, most of the time after the 'match' carrying a TV
One weekend, Bonge was surprised to find a pack of
condoms hidden in the bathroom cabinet. He was not struck
as much since it was common for her wife to move around
with condoms whenever she was at work. She was a health
“She also had several boxes of condoms in the house
which she could distribute to institutions where she was
invited to lead workshops or training on HIV/AIDS. I was
also very sure she was not cheating on me,” said Bonge.


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